Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Southern Baptist Convention caves to global warming alarmists

The Southern Baptist Convention has caved to global warming alarmists with A Southern Baptist Declaration on the Environment and Climate Change declaration that can be found HERE

We at Jazzycat beg to differ and offer the following:

The following is a direct quote from the Coral Ridge link given below:

Should you be worried about global warming? The answer is "No," for two reasons: first, we cannot stop it, and second, it is not likely to do us significant harm. In fact, Dr. E. Calvin Beisner says that global warming "is more likely to do us some significant benefit." What else don't you know about global warming? Dr. D. James Kennedy and Dr. E. Calvin Beisner tell you, on Truths That Transform.

This is an interesting interview that can be found HERE
I choose to believe Dr. Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries, and many scientists over Al Gore, media propaganda and many intimidated scientists.

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Sweet Jazzy Cat


jazzycat said...

This was sad for me to see as I feel a kinship with the SBC ....

Maalie said...

The Southern Baptist Convention has caved to global warming alarmists

We shall see; we shall see. There are none so blind as those who won't see...

You presumably trust medical science when you visit your physician. Why do you not trust other scientists? You seem to be rather arbitrary in what you choose to accept or reject. It's all the same stuff, you know, science is a very integrated discipline...

jazzycat said...

I do trust scientists on this issue.... Just not the ones you turst. There are many who report that man made global warming is insignificant and no danger. When I see the radical leftists in America lie and use false data that I know is false, then I became suspicious of their propaganda. When I see serious attempts to force scientists through coercion to adopt the PC consensus on this issue, then I am suspicious. I have provided links to my view.

The data came in this past week concerning ocean underwater temperatures at which would give a more reliable indication of global warming. Guess what the data did not show any rise in ocean water temperatures......